If someone were to ask me to choose one place that holds the most memories and associations I may well answer Dartington. Each year, I would attend the ‘Ways with Words’ literary festival held in the imposing majesty of the Great Hall. It was a chance to see the leading writers, journalists and commentators of the day and to catch a film in my favourite of all cinemas the ‘Barn’. But it was more than that to me. Without words, the place itself can hold an audience – I know every path through the gardens, every statue.

Although my history with Dartington dates back many years, the history of the building dates back centuries. The Great Hall and courtyard was first built in the medieval age, and then from the time of Queen Elizabeth I passed down, for the next 366 years in a long line of Royal succession. However, by the 1920’s it had fallen into disrepair, at which point it was bought by the Elmhirsts who both faithfully restored it and changed the course of its future…this short 5 minute clip takes up the story:

So, old stone now guards a new spirit of innovation and transformation – a lightness, an alternative way to live, captured so well in this ‘After Dark’ event staged at Dartington. It makes me want to raise a glass in ‘The White Hart’ pub (just next to the Great Hall) to many more such evenings: