What does an extravagantly tiled palace in Lisbon, Portugal have to do with England?…
Before I answer that question, let me first open the doors to Palacio Fronteira: a dizzying celebration and parody of leisure and entertainment in 17th century Portugal. Something tells me that the 1st Marquis of Fronteira had both a sense of humour and knew how to have a good time!

But he was also a military man who made his fortune from his heroic contribution to the final battle of the Portuguese Restoration War.

The Battle of Montes Claros in 1665 was fought between the Spanish and a combined Anglo-Portuguese force. As a result of Portugal’s victory, England mediated a treaty by which Portugal gained its sovereignty.
Commemorated in yet more tiles in the impressive ‘Room of the Battles’, a tiny detail shows the bravery of the English soldiers – identified here as ‘Engelzes’. When they ran out of ammunition they didn’t give up, they turned their guns upside down and used them like clubs!

Portugal and England are, of course, ‘the oldest allies’, having signed in to this effect in 1386. And here is our continued friendship celebrated in funny and touching detail.